Hey guys!

So for anyone who missed last week’s show on Thursday where we interviewed rising star Daniel Melul, here is a little recap for you guys.


Young, talented and motivated, Melul is from right here in Vaughan, Ontario. This amazing and aspiring rapper is well on his journey to becoming the next big thing! Accompanying him on his interview with 90.7 RAV fm were his friends Yona Shmitz Durbach, Dylan Resnick and Jamie Rosenberg, an awesome and super funny group of people. Melul shared with us his experiences performing on stage along with his show where he opened up for the one and only Kardinall Official. How crazy is that? His crew as well talked about their experiences watching their friend from the crowd. Although he was nervous, he said the opportunity was amazing, as well gave him the confidence for future shows. He also talked about his hard times and struggles being an artist such as having friends who have faded away, and gave powerful advice that in order to be respected, you have to respect others yourself. On top of it all, we had the opportunity of listening to him freestyle for us live on air. Quite the artistic young man we must say; his skills are crazy good!

We want to wish him all the best and the greatest of luck in his future career!

Be sure to check out Melul’s youtube channel and listen to all his outstanding songs: http://www.youtube.com/user/ThisIsMelul and follow him on his twitter @TheRealMelul. Feel free to tweet him any questions you guys may have as well!

–          Dj Kay from the GirlsInMotion